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The changes are insidious, and will not produce a noticeable effect for 15 to 20 years


They focus on overt discrimination rather than insidious aspects of racism.


Lookism pervades society like an insidious virus and is found everywhere: on tv, in magazines, in school.


Research shows that what laid low Mayan society was something more insidious: climate change.


Organized crime has an insidious influence on all who come into contact with it.


Potentially more insidious are China's plans to build a social credit rating system based on online behaviour.


The most insidious trend is vanishing optimism about the future.


How can we affect something so insidious,


And because of its insidious nature, unfortunately, gaslighting can be difficult to spot, especially up close.


But here's the insidious thing:


There are lots of reasons why people start spouting this nonsense, all of them fairly insidious.


When Deutsche Bank named John Cryan as its new chief executive three weeks ago, the commentary had an insidious subtext.

当德意志银行(Deutsche Bank)在不久前任命约翰•克赖恩(John Cryan)为新首席执行官之后,他人的评论有种别样的意味。

And the amazing thing about this really insidious technological innovation is that even just with this one thing, we can experience a huge range of regret.


More insidious is the weathering of plastic debris into tiny particles that can be ingested even by microscopic invertebrates.


In previous remarks, the Pope had denounced gay marriage as insidious and dangerous and a threat to humanity.


I fluctuated between anticipation so intense that it was very nearly pain, and an insidious fear that picked at my resolve.


This kind of environment might seem like a boon to employers, but the negative effects are more insidious--high burnout rates, low productivity and employee resentment.


Insidious: Chapter 2' continues the disturbing tale of a family that can't shake unexplained household horrors no matter where they move.


Women smoking-they've overtaken men in the habit in the north east partly because of influences on girls which are 'more insidious than mere peer pressure'.


We must chuck the insidious language of fear ( Be careful! That's too scary!) and instead use the same terms we offer boys, of bravery and resilience.


A toxic habit can be an insidious force in your life-you'll keep falling into its trap, and pretty soon, it'll become second nature and you won't even notice it.


Insidious: Chapter 2,' made for about$ 5 million, has grossed$ 81 million in North America. It had more ticket revenue than any other movie in September.


Baldwin wrote about American racism-about the lethal and insidious power of whiteness to distort the nation's ideals and threaten its humanity-with unequaled vigor, humor and insight.


A deficiency in this vitamin can give way to a litany of health issues such as dementia that can decrease quality of life and longevity. Deficiencies in B12 can be insidious, as people can go years without feeling the effects.


Filmmakers agree that what makes movies like 'The Conjuring,''Insidious' and 'Carrie' frightening aren't the jumps or gross-outs. It's our attachment to the characters, our vicarious fear of what's happening to them.


Because, while "the system" is a disembodied, nonspecific entity that may be the most obvious culprit for our dissatisfaction, it seems to me that all these departures are also a very powerful reflection of an insidious, and potentially more destructive, trend.


But how can I accept that bliss when it comes with this dark underside-bone-crushing isolation, corrosive insecurity, insidious resentment and, of course, the complete dismantling of self that inevitably occurs when David ceases to giveth, and commences to taketh away.


Gold stands in the way of this insidious process.


But the most insidious changes rarely happen during times of crisis.


Long enough for it to begin its insidious work on her emotions.

