convergence[ 小学课文例句 ][ 抖音查询 ][ 词源树 ][ + 练习簿 ]


con (共同) + verg (转) + ence → 转到同一方向 → 集中


rate of convergence


uniform convergence


algorithm convergence


digital convergence


quadratic convergence


convergence zone


convergence criterion


convergence criteria


conditional convergence


absolute convergence


There is a convergence between capitalist firms and co-operatives in terms of business strategy.


Europe's economies have converged in several areas. More interestingly, there has been convergence in economic growth rates


Of course, international soccer hasn't reached perfect convergence yet


I just kind of felt a harmonic convergence in this place.


Convergence means that it is also harder to distinguish between an entertainment and a technology business.


The iPod came about because somewhat of a convergence of technologies.


Beyond domestic considerations, this convergence in a globalised world becomes even more striking.


The two sides shall stick to mutually-beneficial cooperation and consolidate convergence of interests.


That is where we're going--this union, this convergence of the atomic and the digital.


Convergence of the Twain ( Lines on the loss of the Titanic)


But this convergence of rewarding experiences seems dubious.


Thanks to a convergence of creativity, technology and big money, the heyday of the field may finally be upon us.


Perhaps as many as a third of smartphone users have no data connection at all, according to IT analysts Convergence Catalyst.

信息技术分析机构Convergence Catalyst表示,或许高达三分之一的智能手机用户完全没有数据连接。

if a convergence has to be met with everything that is mooted, the conversation would be very draining.


Those economies that succeed can grow very quickly, producing a "Great Convergence" of poor and rich that provides the book's title.

那些获得成功的经济体能以很快的速度增长,进而导致了穷国和富国之间的“大融合”(Great Convergence),这也正是鲍德温这本书的书名。

John Markoff wrote in his study of the counterculture's convergence with the computer industry, What the Dormouse Said.


You look at the convergence of these skills, technologies and products and then people-and I think that it offers us a distinct competitive advantage.


And this convergence suggests that as long as these technological trends continue-and there's no reason to think they won't-AI will keep improving.


It's not just big data technologies that are causing this transformation, Sicular said. The convergence of mobile devices and cloud computing also play a major role.


The Great Convergence: Information Technology and the New Globalization, by Richard Baldwin, Harvard University Press, RRP £ 22.95/$ 29.95, 344 pages

《大融合:信息技术与新型全球化》(The Great Convergence:Information Technology and the New Globalization),理查德•鲍德温著,哈佛大学出版社(Harvard University Press),建议零售价22.95英镑/29.95美元,344页

Alternatively, if China succeeded in achieving a degree of convergence between male and female employment rates, the labour force would be just as large in 2040 as it is today.


In Britain and other countries where news broadcasters are required to be impartial, at least in theory, the convergence of television and the web makes such rules seem outdated.


To produce a winning formula took a convergence of technology trends-the falling costs of processing power, increasing mobile bandwidth-along with innovations like multi-touch screens and the right packaging.


It's not so much that there is replication, but finding the right people to be able to give the resources to this convergence of technologies as opposed to just working in their own areas.


Her expertise at the convergence of social commerce and fashion has harnessed the power of Instagram and created a personal brand that resonates across all corners of the fashion community.


She says online courses were once taken by older students looking to move up within companies, but now "we are beginning to see convergence in [ student] age and levels of professional experience."


And, we found that there were 80 products in our pipeline that had some form of convergence that was necessary. Now, the important thing for us to do is to make sure that we understand the value that those bring.


Over the last decade, the convergence of social, mobile, and cloud technologies has resulted in extremely informed customers. Before ever engaging with a company, customers know almost everything they need to, leading to massive changes in the way they buy.


In a welcome though unexpected convergence, an array of new books and exhibitions about Kahlo have suddenly appeared this spring, adding insight and depth to our understanding of a woman who would seem among the most overexposed artistic figures of all time.


It would help if other services beyond Hike adopted it, too, says Jayanth Kolla, analyst at Convergence Catalyst. "As a feature, so far it is a useful addition to Hike, but it isn't disruptive yet," he says.

Convergence Catalyst的分析师贾扬特•科拉(Jayanth Kolla)表示,如果Hike以外的其他服务也采用这种技术,那将会有所帮助。“作为一个功能,迄今这是对Hike的有用补充,但它还不具有颠覆性,”他表示。
